Executive Headteacher: Mrs Janet Spittal
Email: headteacher@hwprimaryschools.org
Deputy Headteacher & SENCo: Mrs Rowena Thorp
Email: r.thorp@hwprimaryschools.org
Hackness CE PrimaryAdmin Officer: Mrs Claire Yoeman Email: hacknessadmin@hwprimaryschools.org Telephone: 01723 882212 Address: Hackness CE Primary School, North Yorkshire, Scarborough YO13 0JN
| Wykeham CE PrimaryAdmin Officer: Mrs Catherine Jackson Email: wykehamadmin@hwprimaryschools.org Telephone: 01723 862413 Address: Wykeham CE Primary School, North Yorkshire, Scarborough YO13 9QB
Queries should be directed to the administration officer for Hackness or Wykeham.
Any information on our website can be requested and supplied on paper free of charge.