As a governor within the Hackness and Wykeham Church of England Primary Schools we work with the school on strategic planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review so that all our children achieve their full potential. Governors also monitor and evaluate progress towards the school's priorities and targets.
We are here to monitor and challenge and work together with the Headteacher and her staff to ensure that all pupils receive the best possible education. We should not be involved in the day to day running of the school, or try to be, and should at all times respect the professionalism of the Headteacher and her staff.
Our schools have a single, very active and supportive governing body that works closely with the staff of the schools. Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Tracy Shepherdson who can be contacted through the school offices.
Much of governors’ work is done through sub-committees, to whom responsibilities are delegated to ensure each school delivers the strategic objectives set, and to benchmark their performance against external comparators.
The Resources Committee oversees the setting and management of the school budgets and ensure each school meets its health and safety and accessibility responsibilities. The chair of Resources is Mrs Tracy Shepherdson.
The School Improvement Committee (SIC) monitors the progress of the School and Federation's Strategic Plan and each school's implementation of policies in the areas of: curriculum provision, teaching and learning, achievement and standards, quality of leadership and management, inclusion, and pupil welfare. The chair of the SIC is Mr Toby Flood.
Both committees report to the full governing body (FGB) on the effectiveness of these school matters and policies. Our full Governing Body meets four times a year, as well as participating and being invited to numerous events across the academic year.
Our Church Schools Committee is chaired by Mrs Janet Spittal
All governors are required to declare their material and business interests. Details of these can be found below.