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Hackness and Wykeham Church of England Schools' Federation

‘Living, learning and growing in God's World’

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Black or grey trousersBlack or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
White or blue polo shirtWhite or blue polo shirt
School sweatshirtSchool sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan
 or Blue and white striped or checked dress


All clothing should be clearly marked with your child's name.


Uniform, school sweatshirts and more (with school logo embroidery) can be purchased directly from, or if you do not have access to a computer please contact the school office for an order form. Orders will be delivered free to your home or office. Standard items can be bought from any supermarket/uniform retailer.


P.E. Kit


White t-shirt 

Black shorts

Change of footwear (plimsolls or trainers)


Families may also wish to provide plain jogging bottoms and a warm plain top for colder weather.


Additional Information


  • In the interest of safety children are discouraged from wearing jewellery
  • Rings, bracelets and necklaces are not permitted
  • Children with pierced ears should remove their earrings for PE and Swimming
  • Makeup and nail varnish are not permitted


We do not encourage bringing in any personal belongings - including toys - and all mobile/electrical/musical devices or equipment are forbidden as we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damages which may occur on the premises.


