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Hackness and Wykeham Church of England Schools' Federation

‘Living, learning and growing in God's World’

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Our Federation Values

Learning, living and growing in God's world


Our Core Christian Values:

  • Courage
  • Love
  • Respect
  • Friendship
  • Joy


Our Vision

"Two unique schools, one federation family."


A loving, nurturing community, where everyone learns, lives and grows together with Christian values inspiring all that we do.


Our Guiding Scripture

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10


Our Aims

Our children to have a love of learning and knowledge, to live as resilient, happy and caring members of the federation and its wider community who are equipped to play a positive role in our world.


Our families are encouraged to contribute to the growth of their children, working in partnership with our whole federation family.


Our staff are passionate, inspiring and nurturing professionals, invested fully in the growth of the federation, who place the whole child at the heart of all that they do.


Our leaders and governors embody and promote our core values, supporting and challenging to achieve the best outcomes for our children. They understand and value continuing professional development of all members of the federation community.
