To report any illness, please call the office before 8:30am.
Hackness: 01723 882212
Wykeham: 01723 862413
Please note that arrival after the close of registration is classed as an unauthorised absence. Under the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 these absences could be used as evidence against you if legal action were to be considered by the Local Authority under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
National statistics show that poor time keeping seriously affects a young person’s chance of achieving their full potential. Arriving late may mean that your child misses important instructions for the day and can lead to feelings of isolation and disengagement from learning.
As of September 2013, government regulation no longer allows schools to authorise leave of absence except in exceptional circumstances. We will therefore no longer be able to authorise holidays during term time.
If there are exceptional circumstances which mean that you need to take your son or daughter out of school, please make a request in writing explaining the reason (or complete the leave of absence form).